About Me

I grew up in Southern California, specifically Thousand Oaks. Received my Bachelors in Molecular and Cell Biology from UC Berkeley and then went to Medical School at UC Irvine. I stayed at UC Irvine for my Emergency Medicine residency and am now working as a Clinical Instructor in the Emergency Department while completing a fellowship in Multimedia and Instructional Design. Part of that fellowship is research and education projects within the department, and part of it is completion of this Masters. 

I'm probably in the intermediate skills area when it comes to computers. I grew up with technology so I pick up on things fairly easily and because of that its easier to self-teach certain things. However, I have no formal training so really have no experience in web design or formal creation of multimedia. I do, however, use technology a lot in my teaching already and created an iPad curriculum for our residency in the past few years. Initially we used iTunesU but now we use Schoology which is a GREAT platform - much more negotiable and collects a lot more data than iTunesU did. I've also worked with medical students to use Camtasia to make "Flipped Clerkship" videos for residents and medical students to learn emergency medicine before they get to their rotations. Currently working on using a documents camera to create discharge instructions for patients, in a "Whiteboard Video" style.

As mentioned earlier, completing this Masters is going to be part of my Multimedia and Instructional Design Fellowship at UC Irvine. My hope is it will give me the background skills to make more professional multimedia and resources for the residents and patients. I'd like to achieve a strong background in web design and multimedia creation in various formats so I can use those in the future. Ultimately, I look forward to completely redesigning the way our residents learn. Additionally, I have a strong interest in patient education and we are looking at creating a patient education portal for patients of the emergency department with videos and blog posts regarding after-ER care and self-care.

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